AKL‘14 in Aachen – Laser Technology for Innovators from Micro-engineering to Aviation| WOTech Technical Media

AKL‘14 in Aachen – Laser Technology for Innovators from Micro-engineering to Aviation

From May 7 to 9, 2014 the laser community is meeting at the International Laser Technology Congress AKL’14 for the tenth time in Aachen. For every target group – be it laser manufacturers, users or beginners – around 60 lecturers will be bringing together innovative applications from the industry and latest research results from science. Furthermore, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, participants can experience laser technology live.


Live Presentations at LaserTechnology Live in the Application Center of the Fraunhofer ILT during the AKL’12 / Picture source: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen


Over 600 participants from Germany and abroad are expected at the tenth International Laser Technology Congress AKL’14 in the Eurogress in Aachen. In three parallel sessions the proven main program of the AKL will encompass the latest laser manufacturing processes for the micro and macro applications – from cutting and welding via micro-joining and process control all the way to polishing and thin film processes – as well as innovative developments in the field of laser beam sources.

Two of the most important topics are Digital Photonic Production and ultrashort pulse lasers. For instance, the pioneer users in 3D printing processes will report on their first experiences using these technologies– for the manufacture of complex metallic components in small lot sizes. Among the speakers count experts from GE, EOS, Festo, BMW, MTU Aero Engines and Fraunhofer ILT. In the field of laser beam sources, short and ultrashort pulse lasers are becoming more and more important. Therefore, experts from the companies TRUMPF, Rofin-Sinar, Coherent, Manz, EdgeWave and AMPHOS will be presenting the newest industrial developments in beam sources and their applications. In this case, the participants will receive valuable inspiration on the economic use of laser technology in the automobile or aviation industry, electrical engineering or energy management, in micro technology or in mechanical engineering. For example, on May 7 the EU Innovation Forum “Laser Additive Manufacturing in Aeronautics” will be offering experts from the aviation industry and energy branch the opportunity to systematically exchange information, especially in the field of laser additive manufacturing.

The technological conference will be accompanied by a sponsors‘ exhibition from 46 well-known companies in the laser industry. In individual talks, participants will have the chance to catch up on innovative products and processes in the field of laser technology and to make new contacts to deepen existing ones.

At the event “Laser Technology Live”, participants of the AKL’14 will be able to exchange ideas intensively on the latest technological developments thanks to around 70 live presentations in the Application Center of the Fraunhofer ILT.

Within the scope of the AKL’14, the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V. and the European Laser Institute ELI will be awarding the “Innovation Award Laser Technology”, valued at €10,000, on May 7, 2014 for excellent innovations in the development and application of lasers in production engineering.

The International Laser Technology Congress AKL’14 is hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT. The European Commission, the European Photonics Industry Consortium EPIC, the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V., the European Laser Institute ELI as well as the industry associations SPECTARIS, VDA, VDMA and VDI all support the forum.

Interested parties can register for the AKL’14 at www.lasercongress.org and take advantage of an early-bird discount for registrations up to March 21, 2014.



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